School name: V. gimnazija Zagreb

Team: GabiLuk

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Short description

The "LatBot" offers immediate and simple, yet comprehensive assistance with Latin grammar and vocabulary to all in need.

Define the problem

Ancient, thereby dead languages no longer garner a populace of living native speakers, nor is information about them widespread and easy to come by.

Yet, Gymnasiums in Croatia include them in their schooling curriculum. 

The problem arises, when a student is asked to learn a dead language, assisted only by a diminishing assortment of tools.

Which groups of people are affected by this problem?

Students and also anyone trying to learn Latin, or seeking assistance in grammar related Latin issues. 

Who is responsible for this problem?

Traditional methods and ways of learning that do not apply modern technology. , the Educational System

How big is the problem?

In the local community of students, especially in our Gymnasium, Latin, and especially Latin grammar present a grave problem.

What is blocking the current solution of the problem?

Non-abundance of free and easily acessible tools.

Why did you choose this problem, and why is it important to solve it?

This problem has been present in our Gymnasium for over 10 years, thereby it is qutie a grave problem in our local schooling community.

How does the chatbot solve this problem?

The chatbot offers easy, quick and comprehensive access to all kinds of latin lemmatic forms, with over a million entries. It is free,

and possibly assorts to a massive increase in productivity and speed when it comes to comprehending latin. (Because of limitations to the size of this website's data bases, only fraction of the database is currently active, but there is a database of 1.6 million queries that can potentially be activated with memory extension!)