School name: Turistička i ugostiteljska škola Dubrovnik

Team: Bokar

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Define the problem

 Although many face challenging situations on a daily basis, deaf and hard of hearing people are more likely to have such situations, which is why they approach the world differently. Activities such as talking to messages, reading from the other person's lips to decode spoken letters, or using sign language greatly help hearing-impaired people to communicate and interact with others.  

Which groups of people are affected by this problem?

This problem affects everyone with hearing impairments, even their families and environment. Also this problem affects everyone who have or will ever meet with hearing-impaired personi n the future to know the right way to comunicate and what is helpful to those people in the moment of their coversation. Many people may not think: that deaf people can do everything, they just can not hear!  

Who is responsible for this problem?

 1. The entire local community is responsible for this problem because it does not pay too much attention to communicating with people with hearing impairments. It is necessary to digitize as much
information as possible and organise eventual educations for hearing-impaired people. Each of these segmets sholud be in a writing or in sing language, and if the video itself, should definitely be devoted to subtitles which is very rare today.  

How big is the problem?

 In last few years, more than 15,000 people with hearing impairments have been registered in Croatia. During the coronary crisis, communication was even more difficult for them because of wearing
masks. Deafness is not disability, but diversity. A deaf man can do anything, he just can't hear. The essence of the problems of the deaf is that society, the state, does not recognize their uniqueness, receiving information and communicating in a way that suits them (sign language and other visual media).  

What is blocking the current solution of the problem?

 Human recklessness and unconsciousness stand in the way of solving the problem. People with hearing impairments may not hear what we want to tell them, but they can find out in other ways. Because of our problem, we should not be less valuable, but it is up to us to find ways for them to participate in community life as effectively as possible.  

Why did you choose this problem, and why is it important to solve it?

 We chose this problem in order to provide people with hearing impairments in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County with access to all information related to the association. With this chatbot we want to improve the services and quality of life of hearing impaired people, provide support and, of course, their family members, all in order to encourage their social inclusion and psychological empowerment, so that they can access information at any time without having to seek help. other persons who might have reached the necessary information by telephone for them.  

How does the chatbot solve this problem?

 This chatbot is designed so that the user can communicate via messages or sign language. Sign language is used by about 40% of deaf-mute people in our county, so we may have paid a little more attention
to conversation through messages. With this chatbot we want to inform the local community about the specific problems, needs and opportunities of hearing impaired people, we want to enable the need to establish communication between deaf and hard of hearing people, strengthen hearing impaired people and their families to encourage their involvement in conversations. a quick and efficient way to get information yourself by talking to Orlandobot.