School name: OŠ Bartula Kašića Zadar

Team: 8.a

No poverty

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Short description

Chatbot Skye gives people the opportunity to help their fellow citizens who are in a difficult life situation on a daily

Define the problem

Although today's modern world improves living conditions for people around the world and contributes to many important items in people's lives such as science, education, health and technology, it brings with it many global problems. Some of these problems are hunger, lack of water in certain areas, unfair distribution of livelihoods and, unfortunately, a large number of other problems arising from human selfishness and lack of awareness. Most people cannot imagine themselves in such situations and therefore do not try to help others. Therefore, we want to try to contribute to solving this problem by creating bots that would offer people the opportunity to learn more about current problems and within the limits of their financial capabilities help others to ensure a better way of life.

Which groups of people are affected by this problem?

Who is responsible for this problem?

How big is the problem?

What is blocking the current solution of the problem?

Why did you choose this problem, and why is it important to solve it?

How does the chatbot solve this problem?